Are you a SNAP recipient?
We will be happy to enroll you in our 2022 CSA!
World Farmers is excited to offer SNAP as a payment option for our CSA. And, your payment will qualify for HIP benefits.
At the price we offer our SNAP CSA, zero dollars will be taken out of your monthly SNAP dollars (thanks to HIP), and you’ll pay nothing out of pocket.
Snap Signups
To sign you up for our CSA, we need to get you enrolled in Auto-SNAP. Please fill out the form below so that we can follow up with you!
Or if you prefer, you can call the office and ask for Jessy at (978) 706-7935. We'll be more than happy to assist you!
Still have questions about SNAP and HIP?
Let’s see if we can help…
If you have questions about our CSA, check out our CSA page, or our FAQ page
Q: What is SNAP?
A: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is federal assistance that ensures needy families have access to healthy food options.
Q: What is HIP?
A: HIP is the Healthy Incentives Program that promotes SNAP clients to purchase more locally grown fruits and vegetables from farmers’ markets, farm stands, mobile markets, and CSA farm shares. HIP reimburses you when using your SNAP benefits to buy healthy, local produce from participating vendors. HIP reimburses you up to your monthly amount. Your monthly amount is based on household size, with a cap of $40, $60, $80, etc.
It is important to know that once you are enrolled in SNAP, you automatically qualify for HIP rebates with no additional steps!! You just have to be sure you’re spending SNAP dollars at a certified HIP vendor. World Farmers is a HIP vendor, so your HIP benefits will pay for your CSA share.
Q: How do I use my SNAP benefits to purchase my CSA?
A: You will pay for your CSA with what’s called Auto-SNAP. Each month, directly after receiving your SNAP dollars, the cost of your CSA will be withdrawn from your account on that same day.
Q: So I’ll spend all of my SNAP dollars?
A: No! In fact, you won’t spend any of your SNAP dollars at all. World Farmers set our CSA SNAP price to be considerate of folks’ monthly SNAP budget. If you haven’t used your HIP benefits before then you won’t even miss the funds. The same day you get your monthly SNAP dollars, Auto-SNAP will withdraw the funds for your CSA share, and DTA will automatically re-load your money through the HIP benefits.
Still have questions? Call the office and ask for Jessy (978) 706-7935.
Q: So how do I sign up?!
A: If you are planning to pay for your World Farmers CSA with SNAP dollars we ask that you either fill out this Form so that we can track your order! We cannot take SNAP payments online, so we will follow up with you to get you signed up.