Facing History
Students and teachers at Nashoba Regional High school have worked in partnership with World Farmers to build relationships with farmers at Flats Mentor Farm. One of the products of this partnership is this video entitled Facing History, which gives the students a chance to reflect on the time they spent listening to and learning from farmers.
"As we navigate the many challenges of contemporary life we are faced with the temptation of retreating into enclaves of the like minded. If we wish to grow as individuals in compassion, empathy, and cultural understanding, we need to break out of these ghettos and embrace our neighbors from different racial, cultural, and religious traditions. The video was submitted to Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/ a group that promotes tolerance, empathy, and cultural understanding, in order to apply for a grant. If funded we will be using their resources to create a video curriculum to help introduce people to their refugee neighbors."
~ Tim Castnor, Nashoba Regional High School